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Arthur Brun

Background (from various sources) Waimea resident employed by Syngenta chemical companies for ten years. Field director for PONY Baseball and a past Waimea Youth Baseball Association president. He also serves as an umpire for Division II college softball on Oahu and high school baseball and softball on Kauai.

Notable Quote:


“I have five kids, do I look like I have anything wrong with me because of GMOs?

Because of pesticides? Nah, nothing wrong. My son is diabetic... Look who is supporting this bill.

Go to the people that vote. First of all take the people that vote. Take the citizens of the island.

Then take a drug test after that and see who's left."

(Opposing Kauai County Bill 2491 which provides pesticide and GE disclosure, spraying buffer zones around schools homes and hospitals and health and environmental impact studies.

Brun also implies that some supporters of Bill 2491 are on drugs.)


  • Opposes county home rule rights to regulate agriculture including pesticides and GE crops

  • Supports chemical+GMO companies and pesticide spraying operations

  • Testified against Bill 2491 for pesticide and GE disclosure, spraying buffer zones and health and environmental impact assessments

  • Employed by Syngenta, which is suing Kauai County to overturn Ordinance 960/Bill 2491

  • Primarily funded by Global Ag Services which provides temporary laborers from other countries in Hawaii when locals are struggling for jobs 

  • Considers marijuana a drug that requires treatment like ice, likely does not support legalization or decriminalization

  • Supports adolescent drug treatment facility

  • Supports alternative waste disposal solutions for the Kekaha Landfill

  • Supports compromise to bring back Friday night high school football games

  • Supports affordable housing solutions on Kauaʻi


This candidate has not received any chemical+GMO campaign contributions from lobbyists or registered lobbyists. 


It is unknown if this candidate received funding from chemical company employees as he is a chemical company employee and we do not have a full list of all employees. He is funded primarily by Global Ag Services. 


In The News:




Kauai County Council 

Mason Chock


Background (from candidate website) "Born and raised on Kauaʻi, I am a community servant with only love in my heart for Kauai and its people.  I have no self-serving agenda, only an interest for leadership in action and an inclusive process that brings people together for shared solutions rather than be divided through divisive motivations."  Kamehameha, UH Manoa. Kauai as a firefighter for 12 years as a rescue specialist until rescue helicopter crashed while on duty ending career. Helped development of Kanu I Ka Pono Charter School and The Waipā Foundation. Executive Director of The Native Hawaiian Education Association, founder of Kauai Team Challenge/Kupu A’e. Current Kauai Council member. Finance & Economic Development, Committee

Committee Vice Chair of Economic Development & Intergovernmental Relations Committee. Member of Housing & Transportation, Public Works / Parks & Recreation and Planning committees. Ex-Officio Member Environmental Services / Public Safety / Community Assistance Committee. 

Notable Quote:


"There are many reasons for homelessness and they need to be addressed based on their individual cause.  In general, we need to do a better job in workforce development for those in these unfortunate situations."


Click to read BAB candidate survey response.


  • Supports increasing local food and support for local farmers
  • Voted in favor of overriding Mayor's Veto which passed Bill 2491 now Ordinance 960
  • Supports policies which protect against invasive species 
  • Supports medical marijuana
  • Opposes privatization of prisons
  • Mostly supports home rule of counties to regulate agriculture: "Mostly.  I think there should be a closer coordination of all services and enforcement on all issues that involve overlap between the county and state. We are all in this together, therefore we should all take responsibility.  While I do agree the county should be empowered, funding needs to run with the added responsibilities."


This candidate has has not received any campaign contributions from chemical+GMO companies or lobbyists. 


In The News:




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Tim Bynum





Background: (from candidate website) Kauai resident for 22 years, wife is a nurse, Gini. Kids David and Kelly, 3 grandkids. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who worked in social services for 30 years. B.S. and a Masters Degree in Psychology. Former program director with the Kauai YWCA and Child and Family Service in child abuse treatment programs and the Healthy Start program. Former Executive Director of the Children’s Justice Center and Leadership Kauai.

Notable Quote:


"As government officials, we are faced with a question: should we give tax breaks equally to land that is producing a sellable product and land that is being used primarily for research?  I believe that as land use on Kaua’i evolves, so must our laws.  And that means that we need to create a new classification for land used primarily for research."


  • Co-introducer of Bill 2491 for pesticide and GE disclosure, buffer zones and impact assessment

  • Supports increasing financial and program support for organic and sustainable farming

  • Supports county home rule over agriculture

  • Introduced Bill 2542 to create new tax for land being used primarily for research


Click here to read BAB candidate survey response.


This candidate has not received funding from chemical+GMO companies or lobbyists. 


In The News:



Hawaii Firefighter Association

International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU)

Hawaii Carpenters Union


Jay Furfaro


Background: (from candidate website) Current Chair of Kauai County Council, member since 2002. Kauai hotel veteran of 31 years who began working for the Guslanders and Amfac hotels in 1971 at the Hanalei Plantation and Coco Palms hotels. Originally from the Waianae Coast, Jay grew up in the hotel business at Makaha Inn & Country Club where he was a management trainee for Westin Hotels while studying the hotel & restaurant business at Kapiolani Community College within the University of Hawai`i system. Member of the Kaua`i Citizens General Plan Commission as well as a member of the Kaua`i Planning Commission and former president of the Kaua`i Historical Society. 37 years, Ema Gomez, was raised in Hanalei, three kids. Winner of the 1988 longboard surfing championship on Molokai. 


Notable Quote:


“This is our world.”

(To chemical company lobbyist who told Chair Furfaro, "Welcome to my world.")


No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


  • Voted in favor of Bill 2491 for pesticide and GE disclosure, buffer zones and impact assessment

  • Led override of Mayor's veto of 2491 as Council Chair

  • Supports county home rule over agriculture

  • Introducer of bill for invasive species protections (coqui frog)


This candidate has not received funding from chemical+GMO companies or lobbyists. 


In The News:







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Felicia Cowden




Background: (from candidate website) Kauaʻi's North Shore resident for thirty years. Kauaʻi Community Radio, KKCR Public Affairs Programmer, Host, Kaua'i Soap Box, ​Leadership Kauaʻi Inaugural year student, Hawaiian Alliance for Community Based Economic Development. Kauaʻi County Youth Council Co-chair, Kauaʻi Workforce Investment Board, Kauaʻi Planning and Action Alliance, Kauaʻi General Plan Update Participant, Kilauea Neighborhood Association, North Shore Boating Advisory Council. Akamai Learning, School Director of an alternative middle school, Hanalei & Kilauea Schools Supplemental teacher,

School board member, SCC, SCBM, PTSA, KELA, Aloha pre-school, Hanalei, Kilauea, Kapaa High, Kauaʻi Educators Leadership Alliance member. 

Intel Corporation, Engineer and business application programmer

Chandler, Arizona & Swindon, UK. Northern Arizona University, BS, Computer Engineering. Hanalei Surf Company & HSC Backdoor, ​Proprietor. Kauaʻi North Shore Business Council, Hanalei Solar. Akamai Backyard Yardner: residential subsistence farming, Regenerations International Botanical Garden, Vice president, Kauaʻi Farmers' Union, Member, Waipa Foundation, Volunteer. 




"We are at a critical time when external pressures are eroding Kauaʻi's unique way of life. I am running for council to ensure we retain our home rule, reclaim the ability to feed ourselves,

and place a priority on serving the people first." 


Click here to read BAB candidate survey response.


  • Supports investing in the bus system

  • Supports county home rule over agriculture

  • Supports decriminalization or legalization of marijuana

  • Supports increasing financial and program support for organic and sustainable farming

  • Supports GMO food labeling

  • Supports marriage equality

  • Opposes privatization of prisons in order to avoid for-profit incarceration 


This candidate has not received funding from chemical+GMO companies or lobbyists. 


In The News:




Notable Quotes:

Billy DeCosta



Background: (from League of Women Voters) Local boy born and raised on a sugar plantation. Bachelors Degrees in Business Administration and Elementary/Secondary Education. Married with three sons, 10.5 acres and 3 homes. Kaua’i’s only Environmental Resource Teacher. Ran unsuccessfully for Council in 2006.


This candidate has no website. 

Notable Quote: 

“Don't be silly, vote for Billy."

No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


Points discussed in candidate panel: 

  • Christian values

  • Put picnic tables in parks with high school woodshop class 

  • Does not sign wave, no t-shirts, no bumper stickers

  • Runs overnight Kokee kids camping program 

  • Sign waved/supports Arryl Kaneshiro 

  • Put college kids out into community with hands on program, wage and earn degree at same time. 

  • Incorporate community college kids $10, minimum wage, let's get them half of that, $5/hr they go to school part time, they go to work part time. Get them work ready. Community college level, construction for example, let them earn in a hands on program with a minimum of half of the monthly wage, so they can earn a degree and money and then decide if they are qualified workers to enter the company if not can enter screening process and work another year at half pay until they are ready for a full time job. 


This candidate has has not filed any campaign spending reports.


In The News:




Joanne Georgi


Background (from listed media) Unsuccessful runs for KIUC Board of Directors and State Senate District 7. Member of the Republican party. Formerly worked at Shell Vacations Club Hawaii Sales, treasurer of the American Association of University Women-Pacific Division.


Notable Quote:


“I don't know about the rest of you but I am so sick and tired fo the County Council and the Mayor not doing the will of the people."


No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


  • Not a landfill alone, alternative energies, address waste energy

  • Focus on recycling especially bottles and cans 

  • If you see a recyclable in the trash can pick it up

  • Put more recycle bins in all the places where the tourists might go

  • Wants to cut and streamline county budget 

  • Concerned about pesticide use, says county and states use more pesticides than seed companies. Need to look at golf courses and how much pesticides they use. 

  • Advocates dialogue between pesticide applicators and opposition, come together for pesticide bill appropriate for Kauai


This candidate has not received funding from chemical+GMO companies or lobbyists. 


In The News:






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Gary Hooser





Background: (from candidate website) Current Kauai County Councilmember, Chair of the Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations. Vice Chair of the Housing and Transportation Committee. Former Director of Environmental Quality Control (OEQC) for the State of Hawaii. Lost 2010 Lieutenant Governor race. Won Hawaii State Senate 2002 – 2010 and former Majority Leader. Before being elected to the Senate, he served as a member of the Kaua'i County Council for 4 years. Prior to being elected to public office, Hooser owned and operated with partners a small publishing business. Has inactive real estate brokers license and formally owned and operated a real estate company involved in residential sales and development. Hooser graduated from Radford High School (Class of 1972), Kaua'i Community College and the University of Hawai'i - West O'ahu. He is presently a part-time student in the U.H. William S. Richardson School of Law. Council member Hooser lives in Wailua Homesteads on Kauai. Wife Claudette, 2 kids Kelli-Rose and Dylan. 

Notable Quote:


"This re-instills people's faith that we can win against big corporations. I know other people are watching us and that this message is being sent all over.

It's a good day on Kauai, it's a good for grassroots democracy."

(on passage of Bill 2491)


Click here to read BAB candidate survey response.


  • Introducer of Bill 2491 for pesticide and GE disclosure, buffer zones and impact assessment

  • Supports increasing financial and program support for organic and sustainable farming

  • Supports increasing local food production

  • Supports county home rule over agriculture

  • Introduced charter amendment establishing per formance audits of county operations

  • Supports campaign finance reform such as publicly funded elections


This candidate has not received funding from chemical+GMO companies or lobbyists. 


In The News:



Hawaii Firefighter Association

International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU)

Hawaii Carpenters Union


Ronald Horoshko


Background (from candidate website) "Ron Horoshko is a small business owner and community member running for county council on a platform to honestly represent the people of Kauai. He believes in being a voice for the preservation of Kauai's way of life and the strengthening of education on the Island." Democratic Party member. Activities: Kauai children's theater. Interests: Golf. Married to Mona Clark.

Notable Quote:


“It's you and I that are the Council, not Ronald Horoshko."


No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


Closing statements included:

  • Hawaii Children's theater, produced over 25 musicals 

  • Help for those being violated by pesticides

  • Supports 2491

  • Will not clutter island with campaign signs

  • Wants to be like his wife, encourages more women on council


This candidate has not received any campaign contributions from chemical+GMO companies or registered lobbyists. 


In The News:




Joseph Kaauwai Jr.


Background Former Kauai police officer. Started working as security officer for the Kealia Kai HOA. Kauai Director of the Blue Knights, retired police officer motorcycle club. Hawaiian homesteader (born and raised) with a farm lot, farmer with the Kauai Farm Bureau (which is pro-GMO.) Police retiree twenty-five years of service.


He was not present at recent candidate panel. 

Notable Quote:




No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


  • Opposes gun control

  • There is not enough information on this candidate's platform.


This candidate has not received any campaign contributions from chemical+GMO companies or registered lobbyists.


In The News:





(808) 652-0732

Ross Kagawa 




Background (from League of Women Voters) Married with two daughters. Born in Waimea, Kauai, College at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Accounting and Special Education from Chaminade University. 5 years of public accounting experience, 4 with a local CPA on Oahu and one as the accounting manager at Business Decisions Hawaii in Hanapepe. Former Kauai County Council as a legislative analyst, Convention Hall and Stadiums Manager. 12 years of teaching experience with the Department Of Education and I currently teach Math Drivers Education at Kapaa High School.



Notable Quote:


“We need to work with Federal and State governments regarding problems brought out with large agricultural corporations. It's irresponsible to pass bad bills like 2491 that will cost the taxpayers millions of dollars and will probably lose in court."


No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


  • Voted against Bill 2491 for pesticide and GE disclosure, buffer zones and health and environmental impact study

  • Voted against veto override of Bill 2491

  • Wants to cut government waste

  • Wants to Improve beach parks

  • Wants to fix roads and bridges


This candidate has not received any campaign contributions from chemical+GMO companies or registered lobbyists. 


In The News:





(808) 635-1605

Ernest "Ernie" Kanekoa Jr.


Background (from candidate website) Born on Maui and lived in Hana and Oahu, attended Roosevelt High School and University of Hawaii where he majored in hotel management. Moved to Kauai 1988, hotel industry. Retired from the hotel industry in 2012 and current co-owner of Kalaheo Steak & Ribs restaurant. Castle Resorts and Hotels, Inc., General Manager, Poipu Shores and Makahuena, Gaylords at Kilohana, Food and Beverage Director for Beach House Restaurant, Kaua’i Lagoons Golf and Racquet Club Resort. Kiahuna Golf Club and Restaurant, General Manager, Sheraton Hotels, Pacific Division, Executive Assistant Manager. Kaua’i Police Commission, Member 2010 to Present, Chairman, 2010 – 2011, Kaua’i Chamber of Commerce, Member, Filipino Chamber of Commerce, Member, Kaua’i Security Association, Past President, Honolulu Zoo, Past President, Board of Trustees, Molokai Visitors Association, Past Vice President and Board Member, Hawaii Businessmen’s Association Oahu Division, Secretary, American Society of Industrial Security, Vice-President Elect, Police Activity League, Junior Achievement, Coach. Former operations manager for Molokai Ranch. 




Notable Quote:


“I support the laws in place regarding pesticides. I don’t know of any laws regarding GMO crops."


Click here to read BAB candidate survey response.


  • Campaign manager's wife employed by Dow Agrosciences, currently suing Kauai County for GMO/pesticide disclosure, buffer zones and impact study law

  • Endorsed by Dow Agrosciences Peter Wiederoder, Site Leader

  • When asked if supports county home rule to regulate agriculture: "I support the laws in place regarding pesticides. I don’t know of any laws regarding GMO crops. I believe what’s missing is regular (2 times each year) independent testing of soil and water around all agriculture areas, streams and rivers.  Then those results should be published.  If there were violations, violators should be fined and made to reverse the damage."

  • Opposes GMO labeling in Hawaii

  • Supports marriage equality


This candidate has not received any campaign contributions from chemical+GMO companies or registered lobbyists. 


In The News:



Peter Wiederoder, Site Leader, Dow AgroSciences

Darryl D. Perry, Kauai Chief of Police and Council candidate

Caroline Frederiksen, Co-owner Kalaheo Steak & Ribs

Chason Manoi, Owner, Pa’a Hana Towing & Hauling

Chip Bahouth, General Manager, Sheraton Kauai

Richard Waltjen, Retired Harbormaster, State of Hawai’i

Eric Fujimoto, Vice President Sales Manager, Young’s Market Company


Arryl Kaneshiro


Background (from candidate website) Project Specialist, Grove Farm Company, Inc., manages leases and properties including land lease clients pesticide manufacturers performing open air genetic experiments on agricultural lands, Syngenta and Dow Agrosciences. Fourth generation farmer, who spends weekends working on his family’s sheep farm, born and raised in Koloa, Hawaii. Former Senior Accountant, Schwindt & Co., Portland, OR. County of Kauai Cost Control Commission – Chair, East Kauai Soil and Water Conservation – Director Kauai Economic Development Board Food & Agriculture Committee - Member, Kauai Watershed Alliance – Member, Kiwanis of Kauai – Board Member. Koloa School, Kauai High School, Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR - Magna Cum Laude, B.A. in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting and minor in economics, Leadership Kauai graduate, Koloa Plantation Days – Board Member & Parade Coordinator. 



Notable Quote:


“If you get the 5% then the Council doesn't have an opportunity to change what goes on the ballot. The voters vote on it and the Council doesn't have the opportunity to change um, what gets voted. Um, I think it's a resolution that needs 20% and even with the resolution at 20% the Council has the opportunity to adjust or modify the resolution." (on citizen initiatives)


No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


  • Supports chemical+GMO companies and pesticide spraying operations

  • In favor of increasing charter amendment initiative threshhold beyond 5%

  • Thinks a resolution that needs 20% of voter signatures, however it is an ordinance. There are no resolutions for initiative, it is either charter amendment or ordinance. 

  • Wants Council to be able to change charter amendment ballot initiatives before they reach the ballot

  • "As a 4th-generation farmer, Arryl is familiar with the struggles and successes related to maintaining an agricultural operation that pays the bills. He would like to bring that experience to the table to help expand opportunities for farmers small and large."


This candidate has not received any campaign contributions from chemical+GMO companies or registered lobbyists. 


In The News:



International Longshore and Warehouse Union

Hawaii Government Employees Association

United Public Workers

Hawaii Carpenters Union


Sandra Kato-Klutke


Background (from listed media) Member of the board of the Agribusiness Development Corporation, the "PLDC of Ag." Owner at Ti Leaf & Taro. Former General Manager of Aston Islander on the Beach and ResortQuest at Poipu Kai. Lives in Kapaa. Lived in Hawaii for 33 years. 

Notable Quote:


“There is no other place like Kauai, because I've lived through prejudices in Oregon.

My kid lived through prejudices and I don't want that to happen here." 


No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


  • Chaired the county planning commission that picked Ian Costa as planning director without placing his appointment on the agenda

  • Member of Agribusiness Development Corporation (ADC) board which leases public lands to chemical+GMO companies for $50-$75/acre while many local farms cannot obtain or afford land. ADC also monopolizes water supplies diverting millions of gallons of fresh water into the sea each day while Westside Kauai kalo farmers cannot get water for their taro. 


This candidate has not received any campaign contributions from chemical+GMO companies or registered lobbyists. 


In The News:





Kipukai Kualii


Background (from candidate website) Helped bring enterprise center to Kekaha and certified kitchen and solar farm to Anahola. Community Service: Anahola Hawaiian Homes Association / Solar Advisory Committee, Homestead Community Development Corporation, Kaua`i North Shore Community Foundation, Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays Kaua`i Chapter, Pride At Work Hawai`i Kaua`i Chapter, Education: Immaculate Conception School, The Kamehameha Schools, The University of the Pacific (B.S. Business Administration) Raised in a large, working class sugar plantation family in Old Puhi Camp by parents. 2011 and 2012 Councilmember, other unsuccessful bids for Council. 




Notable Quote:


“Despite the highly-charged atmosphere of an anticipated Mayoral veto of the GMO bill last November, my supporters and I fully expected the Council to do the right thing with my appointment to fill the Nakamura vacancy as the 8th place vote-getter and they did not."


No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


  • Supports protections against invasive species

  • Supports tax incentives and programs "for visitors and the environment"

  • Supports some districts for Kauai Council, hybrid some at-large, some districts

  • Wants voters to choose positions on Council instead of "popularity contest"


This candidate has not received any campaign contributions from chemical+GMO companies or registered lobbyists. 


In The News:





powered by

Tiana Laranio




Background: (from candidate website) Local girl of Hawaiian-Chinese-Filipino descent, raised in Anahola, graduate of Kapaa High School. University of Hawai’i at Hilo, played college softball, Bachelors in Kinesiology and Exercise Science. Multiple varsity sports all four years of high school and "female athlete of the year." Facilitator for The Leadership Challenge Kaua’i, a Kupu A’e initiative. Board member of Kukulu Kumuhana O Anahola, a grassroots, community organization that seeks to prevent teen suicide. Supporter of the MOMs Hui Kaua’i and an active member of ‘Ohana O Kaua’i. Docent at Steelgrass Farm learning and sharing with the community and visitors on the organic agriculture of Chocolate, Vanilla, Honey, and Bamboo production as a viable economical resource for our Island. Studying for Raw Nutrition Certification through the Body Mind Institute, as a student of lomilomi at the Aloha Massage Academy in Lihu’e and for certification as a Qi Gong Instructor in Organ Cleansing and Strengthening and Women’s Qi Gong.





"We are at a critical time when external pressures are eroding Kauaʻi's unique way of life. I am running for council to ensure we retain our home rule, reclaim the ability to feed ourselves,

and place a priority on serving the people first." 


Click here to read BAB candidate survey response.


  • Supports county home rule over agriculture

  • Supports decriminalization or legalization of marijuana

  • Supports increasing financial and program support for organic and sustainable farming

  • Supports GMO food labeling

  • Supports marriage equality

  • Opposes privatization of prisons in order to avoid for-profit incarceration 


This candidate has not received funding from chemical+GMO companies or lobbyists. 


In The News:




Notable Quotes:

Arnold Leong


Background (from news sources) 68, Hanapepe resident, former county’s deputy county engineer and Kauai manager of Browning-Ferris Industries for three years, ended Panihi Road” Canal” back of Kapaa Big Save and resolved years of property flooding on Puupoa and Haleilio streets. Secured seed money for County Housing in Koloa by accepting homes in KekahaGardens needing repair in exchange for opening the river mouths for DLNR. Tax increase fighter, understands costs and cost controls, knowledgeable and trained in solid waste and solid waste programs, knowledgeable about manpower time and motions studies and mechanized equipment. 


This candidate has no website. 


Notable Quote:


“I'm a firm believer of military logo with the snake with the words on it that says, "Don't tread on me."


No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


  • Opposes settling county lawsuits out of court, wants to fight county lawsuits

  • Opposes non-residential tipping fee hikes 

  • If elected, wants to look at pyrolyzation, the anaerobic decomposition of organic material at high temperatures, as a viable disposal option for county waste rather than just finding a new site for a landfill


This candidate has not received funding from chemical+GMO companies or lobbyists. 


In The News:






Darryl Perry


Background (from listed media) 64, born at Wilcox, Kalaheo Elementary, Hawaii Pacific University degree in Business Administration. Police officer almost 40 years. 


This candidate has no website.

Notable Quote:


“The dependence on fossil fuel really has been a problem locally... It leads to pollution. It also poisons our oceans, poisons our skies and indirectly poisons us and our pets and animals."


No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


  • Supports and prioritizes government transparency 

  • Supports solar

  • Possibly wind turbines based on community input

  • Possibly supports thermal energy from volcanos


In The News:





(808) 351-5004


Mel Rapozo


Background (from candidate website) Married to Patsy, two children. EDUCATION: Kauai High School, U.S. Air Force - Telephone Installation and Repair Specialist, Kauai Police Department - Police Officer Academy, Florida Metropolitan University - Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice

Everest University - Bachelor's Degree - Criminal Justice/Homeland Defense. PROFESSIONAL: M&P Legal Support Services - Owner/Operator (Private Investigation Agency) Kauai County Council - Served from 2002-2008; 2010-present. Hawaii Air National Guard, Kauai Police Department. COMMUNITY: President - Hawaii State Associations of Counties. Past President: Friends of Kauai Drug Court, Kauai Senior Center, Inc., Lihue Pop Warner Association, Boys and Girls Club, Kapaa Clubhouse, Kauai Police Relief Association. Past Director: Western Interstate Region of Counties, Kauai United Way, State of Hawaii Organization of Police Officers. Past Coach - Kauai Special Olympics, Kauai Police Activities League. Past member, State and County Anti-Drug Task Forces and State Identity Theft Task Force


He was not present at recent candidate panel, he was representing NACO National Association of Counties for Kauai. 

Notable Quote:


“So the public would not know if there's a violation of any of these labels... Wow...”

(To Department of Agriculture on failure to regulate pesticide violations.)


No response to BAB candidate survey. 

No known candidate surveys.


  • Voted against Bill 2491 for pesticide and GE disclosure, buffer zones and health and environmental impact study

  • Voted against veto override of Bill 2491

  • Leader in prohibition of GMO kalo 

  • Leader in pushing for HSAC package repeal of PLDC and resolution for GMO labeling

  • Opposes gentleman farms


This candidate has received from $200 from a Bayer lobbyist Robert Toyofuku in 2008. 


In The News:



none listed


powered by

JoAnn Yukimura





Background: (from candidate website) Born and raised Kauai, Wilcox Elementary School and Kaua‘i High School. Psychology degree from Stanford University where she participated in the first Earth Day and marched against the Vietnam War. Law degree from the University of Washington. Lost two mayoral races, opened private law practice, had one child. Won Mayoral race. Now seeking 10th term on Kauai Council.

Notable Quote:


"I believe the best solutions to the complex and serious problems that face us today will come out of a synergy of young and old."


  • Voted in favor of of Bill 2491 for pesticide and GE disclosure, buffer zones and impact assessment

  • Voted to override Mayor's veto of Bill 2491

  • Supports increasing local food production and support for sustainable and organic farmers

  • Supports county home rule over agriculture in regards to buffer zones, disclosure and GMO buffer zones to protect cross-pollination

  • Supports providing affordable housing units


Click here to read BAB candidate survey response.


This candidate has not received funding from chemical+GMO companies or lobbyists. 


In The News:



Uncle Nathan Kalama

Mason Chock


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